First sign: "I'm Blind"
Second sign: "It's a beautiful day, but I can't see it."
Superficially, with the first sign, the man received a few donations. With the second sign, he received a lot. People were more touched by the second sign. From a marketing perspective, the massage matters: words mean stuff.
But, in my life, I too am blind. What am I missing? What can't I see. What message am I broadcasting? Can I change the message and get different (better) results? The message matters.
How do I broadcast? What is my message?
Attitude certainly matters. I'm not looking for sympathy or a hand out per se, but I am looking for support. From Rosabeth Moss Kanter's book, Confidence, I read, "They rise to the occasion when leaders help them gain the confidence to do it." "It" being whatever you're trying to accomplish.
The man above is trying to make enough money to survive. I don't have that problem. At this point, I have enough money to survive and will have until I die. What is "It" for me? What am I trying to accomplish? Ahhh, that's the question.
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