Missionary Name <> Indian spirit name
What are you doing? "Nothing". I thought you did that yesterday: "I did ,
but I didn't finish!"
Elder - I just got old;
She's Eskimo= slow walking.
Walking Eagle
Marlin - Wild Rice Roundup - Mahnomen, NM
Black Stone - Whirlwind - Wolf Clan
Sam English - artist
Red Road Crossing - drummers - heartbeat of the people; bring in God
Born into alcohol
Father was 25- called his mother & she was drinking
to = suicide. Marlin was 5. Funeral -
mother screamed. Uncles - Vetrans -
tough. To marlin - don't cry pussy - be
a man ----- next 35 yrs couldn't cry - lump in throat and hold back feelings -
no trust in the home/ lots of fear. No
God in the home. Grandmother - also
alcoholic ... Boarding school - very abusive ---- Kneel on white rice - take the Indian out of
Didn't know how to show love . Hitting.
Hurt people hurt people.
Violence- chaos-dysfunction.
Vow to never drink.
Parents would disappear for 3-7 days.
Alcoholic before the 1st drink. Didn't fit in - different. "Sugar shack" pay $2 and drink --- the magic of
alcohol.... Remember the first 3 and not the rest---- but I changed.
Father grounded me for life!
Normal person wouldn't do it again --- bring $2 and keep
coming back ~ AA! Blackout drinker from
the beginning.
I was nothing in my home.
Elders asked me to
be a helper @ 17 but still sick w alcohol ---- community knew it.
Last good drunk before going to prison - w/ my brother---
stayed drunk for 3 months --- 9/11/2001.
Falling of twin towers... Maybe this is the last day ----- fear for
family---emotion....talk w God.
Help me stop drinking --- I cannot stop on my own. Capt Morgan and a case bud light ---- and
couldn't get drunk ---- take away obsession to drink.
Cuffed. Jail = Safe fro 90
days. Treatment center / they
cared. Grief group---- make
amends. Letter to father ---- bashed
him for years..... Self pity. Forgive
father - Alcoholic w/o treatment. Love
vs hate ---- missed him --- I needed him and he wasn't present.
I will never have to drink again.
Cried for 90 days.
Healing tears - sweet
Self pity tears - salty
Lump in throat vs tears ---- God gave us tears to remove
the grief....grief recovery
The Grieving Indian tell the story
of Arthur Holmes (Ojibwe)., and the painful lessons he learned as he tried to rebuild his
life. This is a powerful, healing book. Every Native American needs to
read it for the help and hope it offers. Every person who is not Native American
needs to read it for the depth of understanding it will give. A Canadian
Unresolved grief--- not ok to cry: not ok to talk about
Eyes-Windows to the soul
Tears - window washing - cleansing
Got to do both - AA & grief counseling - otherwise
revolving door
David e smith
Addiction center adjacent to grief center. Addiction releases the pain. Unresolved grief.... Including historical
grief/ inherited
The Red Road to Wellbriety: In The Native American Way
12 steps + Native American culture + ceremony
Austin two moons-elder
12 steps = Harmony
--- blueprint for living----the 12 steps are not linear; they're a Circle:
- Steps (East) 1..3 powerless
- Steps (South) 4...6 find out who I am
- Steps 7..9 (West) find your relatives...forgiveness is a spiritual act
- Steps 10..12 ()North) wisdom
Gods power shown thru love
Your job is to be medicine to others
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