Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pegasus Research Consortium

Pegasus Research Consortium

Pegasus Research Consortium

Pegasus Files Main Menu
  1. Breaking News: Items of Interest (updated as time allows)
  2. Member Articles: Articles by Pegasus Members
  3. Important Articles: Archive of past breaking news still of interest
  4. Link Database: List of Links to Official sites and other useful addresses
  5. Research Papers: A collection of files in PDF and other formats inc. FOIA papers
  6. Patents on File: Archive of Patents Related to Pegasus Research Currently in Our Library
  7. Video Clips: A collection of relevant videos from various sources
  8. Resources: Patent Offices, Etc
  9. Our Other Sites: Pegasus and Guest websites

Breaking News:
December 16, 2008
A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field
NASA Press Release
July 30, 2008
NASA Phoenix Spacecraft Confirms Martian Water, Mission Extended
Phoenix Home Page
June 8, 2007
MIT's 'WiTricity' Makes Power Cords Obsolete
The MIT researchers who developed the "WiTricity" wireless power technology haven't set their sights on global broadcast power just yet, but the team is already envisioning wirelessly transmitting power to laptops or cell phones across an office or inside a house. Because the power stream can be consistent, the devices would not even need batteries.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Physicist needs $20,000 for time-travel experiment
Without funding, lab space will be lost
The Seattle scientist who wants to test a controversial prediction from quantum theory that says light particles can go backward in time is, himself, running out of time. It's not a wormhole or warp in the space-time continuum. The problem is more mundane -- a black hole in the time-and-money continuum spawned by today's increasingly risk-averse, "performance-based" approach to funding research.
"I guess you could say we're now living on borrowed time," wryly joked John Cramer, a physicist at the University of Washington. "All we need to keep going is maybe $20,000, but nobody seems that interested in funding this project."
December 28, 2006
Pegasus welcomes a new team member to the fold, Robert William Jackson. Robert hold several patents on Solar and other Electrical Energy device patents and has several more pending approval. He is on both the JLN Lab's and Pegasus Group's discussion boards. He is also currently working on a Laser Propulsion System. His work and patents can be reviewed here at Pegasus: Works of Robert W Jackson
September, 2006 United Nuclear's Hydrogen Project in Jeopardy
The United States CPSC has initiated criminal legal action against us and other chemical suppliers. In short, the CPSC would like to ban the public from all access to chemicals. This would mean an end to Chemistry as a hobby, as well as all personal research and other endeavors involving chemicals of any sort.
Ed; This article is a must read for all scientific experimentors...
September, 2006 Faraday Laboratory Ltd of Russia
This type of power generator is self running autonomous device. It is over unity system with closed loop mode of operation. The hardware based on special electromagnetic transformators.
Our company is official dealer of AKOIL, Russian production company.
You can order your 100KW or more powerful electrogenerator now.
Ed; Looks like the Russians have beat us to it again...
August 13,2006 Water Decomposition by AC Electrolysis
GARY STENZIL -- The file Andrija Puharich: Water Decomposition by AC Electrolysis explains most of my project. I’m pretty busy, and I don’t have much extra time to work on this at all. That’s why it’s going pretty slowly at the present time. MORE DETAILS
May 10, 2006 $10M Prize for Hydrogen Fuel Technology
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs will be able to vie for a grand prize of $10 million, and smaller prizes reaching millions of dollars, under House-passed legislation to encourage research into hydrogen as an alternative fuel.
ANTARCTICA Pegasus Field - Just a coincidence - Really!
X-Squared Radio:
X2 Radio Online- Airs Every Sunday Night 6:00 - 9:00 PM ET
Editors Note: This program has interviews with many of the key people and topics that Pegasus Research Consortium is all about. Listen to what the real people are saying and get the information first hand. X2 Radio Online Archive

Magnetized Beamed Plasma Propulsion (MagBeam)
Air Cars

Member Articles: Antarctica Connection: What's Going on in Antarctica?
Also added any articles related to global melting of ice flows Dangers From Space: The Secrets of the Universe Series: Unsolved Mysteries:

Important Articles:
Other Voices: A Summary of Reseach not Present - by Patrick G. Bailey, Ph. D.
Patrick G. Bailey, Ph. D. Vice President,
Institute for New Energy P.O. Box 201 Los Altos, CA 94023-0201
Presented at the Second International Symposium on New Energy
(2nd ISNE) May 12-15, 1994 Denver, CO "A review is presented from researchers that are not present at this conference of the theory and experimental evidence relating to Zero-Point Energy and Free-Energy Devices. It is found that there is increasing momentum and a growing network of researchers taking place in these fields, despite widely evident efforts to suppress this information."
Words of Wisdom from The Sages for The Ages
Remembering a Genius Energy Inventor, Dr. Paul Brown (1955-2002)

Our Other Sites: Archives of the Ancients:
The Ancients
The Cosmic Wisdom of the Ages
Star Gate Files:
The Star*Gates - by E. Vegh - The Anunnaki Connection
The Star Gates - by Ron Schmidt - Speculation to Reality
Portal to the Universe - Hubble Tour
Member Pages
Ancient Futures Radio - by E. Vegh
John Lear - Collection of Topics
Jack Arneson's Files
The Electric Universe - Mike Knowles
ATS/Pegasus Member Pages:
Mike Singh's Anomalies - Mike Singh - India
Internos' Files - Michele - Italy
The Blue Bird Files - Martian Images and Studies
Brother the Big File's - Nazi Saucers and Saucer Technology
Sherpa's Files - Dennis - UK
Zarniwoop's Files - USA
Guests Pages:
The Rosslyn Gateway - by Brian Allan
Ted Twietmeyer's Files - by Ted Twietmeyer
Clark McClelland's Files - by Clark McClelland

Patent Offices and Other Resources: Government Offices:
Database Complete List: Official Government Sources Links
United States Patent and Trademark Office
- United States Patent and Trademark Search
- United States Patent and Trademark Forms
European Patent Office - Worldwide Patent Repository
- European Patent Office Advanced Search
WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization
Libraries of Rare Manuscripts, Books and Papers:
Database Complete List; Library and Publication Links
Bakken Library and Museum - Rare Scientific Papers
Digital Archive of Toyo Bunko Rare Books - Actual Hi Res Scans of entire books
Pepe's Tesla Pages - papers and Patents from Nikola Tesla and T.H. Moray (Outside Link)
Yale University - Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library- Voynich Manuscript Hi Res

Live Data Feeds:
- European Space Agency SOHO Satelite - Live Image Feed
- IRIS Seismic Monitor - Live International Earthquake Monitor - Washington U.
- NASA Kenedy Spavce Center - Real Time Cameras
- NASA Live TV Feed - During Missions - Real Player Format
- Space Environment Center Live X-ray and Solar Wind Data - NOAA Gov Solar Weather
- US Geological Survey - Live International Earthquake Watch

Pegasus Research Consortium
Yahoo Group
Restricted to Serious ResearchersClick here to join pegasusgroup
Click to join pegasusgroup
JLN Laboratories
Yahoo Group
Restricted to Serious ResearchersClick here to join pegasusgroup
Click to join jlnlabs
JLN Laboratories
Yahoo Group
Restricted to Serious ResearchersClick here to join pegasusgroup
Click to join gfsuav
Alternative Energy Sources and Applications

Alternate Energy Articles:

Alternate Energy Projects

Alternate Fuel Projects:

Alternate Science Projects:

JLN Labs: (OL)

Nikola Tesla Articles:

Propulsion Projects:

Searl Effect:

Zero Point Energy:
Gravity, Anti-Gravity and Gravity Shielding Papers
  • E F G I J L M N P S T U V W

  • Other Papers and Letters by Alexander V. Frolov:
    Science and Technology Updates

    Biological Articles:

    Extra Dimensional Articles:

    Kitchen Physics 101:

    Physic Articles Assorted:
  • Physics - A Collection of Interesting Papers - by Robert Neil Boyd (OL)
  • Physicist needs $20,000 for time-travel experiment
  • Quantum Teleportation - IBM (OL)
  • Solar System is Moving into a New Energy "Zone" - Dr. Dmitriev
  • Thermodynamics - T-ray Energy Mover - Paul Lowrance (OL)

  • Physics Papers of Note:

    Technology Updates:

    Wave Physics:
    Alternative Ideas, UFO's and Related Topics

    Lunar and Martian Mining, Bases and Habitation:

    Lunar and Martian Anomalies:
    This section will also include the rest of the solar system and contains fasinating glimpses of the planetary bodies in our solar system and both natural anomalies of interest as well as unexplainable enigmas.

    Space Exploration News:

    UFO Technical Articles:
    Fusion Research and Projects
    National Laboratories and Their Projects

    Air Force Research Lab:

    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory:

    Los Alamos National Laboratory:
    Before you visit the LANL site please be aware of the following message. By posting this link and documents that are accessable to the public under conditions, Pegasus research Consortium hereby declares we have no affiliation with the laboratory in any way, nor does the LANL in any way endorse or in any other way support our site or our opinions. The info provided is intended purely for scientific research:
    **(Read Notice First!)** {Quote from LANL} "Notice to Users: This is a Federal computer system and is the property of the United States Government. It is for authorized use only. Users (authorized or unauthorized) have no explicit or implicit expectation of privacy.
    Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to authorized site, Department of Energy, and law enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of other agencies, both domestic and foreign. By using this system, the user consents to such interception, monitoring, recording, copying, auditing, inspection, and disclosure at the discretion of authorized site or Department of Energy personnel.
    Main Site Map for Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Los Alamos National Laboratory Archives
    Open access to 380,653 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Quantitative Biology - Los Alamos National Laboratory - arXiv is an e-print service in the fields of physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, and quantitative biology. The contents of arXiv conform to Cornell University academic standards. arXiv is owned, operated and funded by Cornell University, a private not-for-profit educational institution. arXiv is also partially funded by the National Science Foundation.
    Basic LANL Footer: Operated by LANS, LLC, for the NNSA of the US DOE. ©2006 LANS | Disclaimer/

    Sandia National Laboratory:
    Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy. Sandia is a multiprogram DOE laboratory, operated by a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corp. With facilities in Albuquerque, N.M., and Livermore, Calif., Sandia has major R&D responsibilities in national security, energy, and environmental technologies and economic competitiveness.

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